Saturday, November 17, 2018


Ø Individualised Instruction: Give special attention while taking classes. Please don’t separate them from the classroom. Use modern ICT oriented methods of teaching.
Ø Peer Assisted Programmes: Instruct high achievers to support slow bloomers while taking notes, solving problems, doing projects. Guide the peers to identify the difficult areas of slow bloomers and to provide support to develop that concepts.
Ø Individual Counselling: Identify the slow bloomers in the classroom. Try to identify their strength and weaknesses. Conduct open discussion with them.
Ø Maintain Cordial Relations:  Teachers should pay individual attention for them. Continuous observation throughout the class is essential. Must maintain a good relationship to make them obey our instructions.
Ø Develop Note Taking Skills, Reading Skills: Limit your speed while explain notes in the classroom. If they are not able follow your speed, give them printed notes and ask them to copy it in the classroom itself. Develop their reading skills by giving opportunity to read text passages in the classroom, assist them to spell complex words. Motivate them to come forward to read the passages. Note taking and reading will give more sensory experience.
Ø Develop Examination Taking Skills: Motivate them to participate in exams. Prepare questions separately (Please don’t think it as a burden) with questions of low difficulty level. Try to give questions in the form of worksheets.
Ø  Develop The Habit Of Self Learning: Motivate them to learn the concept which are complex, by using dictionaries, colourfully illustrated text books, by providing small assignments. Giving activities like picture album creation on complex activities are better one. Ask them to create notes by themselves in simple language, and don’t forget to correct them. Guide them to collect real life examples for the topics.
Ø Separate Plan of Action:  Separate time table, seating arrangements, question papers, remedial coachings, simple assignments, reward schemes, memory boosting programmes, etc..
Ø Small Groups: Divide students in to small groups (Not on the basis of ability) by bringing slow bloomers, average achievers and high achievers in one group. Make the high achievers as monitors of group, and ask them to assist the others.
Ø Self-Paced Text Books: guide them to create colourful text books by themselves with their own explanation for each concepts in the chapter.
Ø Experience –Oriented Workbooks: Create work books which involve activities and thought provoking questions , that will give direct experience through data collection, analysis and solving problem.
Ø Create Memory Tips: Create concept maps/ mind maps, creative poems, clues, stories, flow charts by themselves.
Ø Provide Practice Questions: Provide practice questions in the form of worksheets from important and repeated areas. Provide assignments to prepare PPTs on the analysis of previous year questions and present in the classroom. Provide worksheets by mentioning the time to be taken to complete the answer of the question.
Ø Seating Arrangements: Pair the students in classroom – one high achiever, an average and a slow bloomer.
Ø Improve LSRW: Give special coaching to improve Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading skills.
Ø Trace out The Problems of Students: Try to identify the physical and mental problems of students and suggest solutions for their problems.
Ø Create Confidence: Conduct motivational speeches, show motivational videos of achievement, provide opportunities to express their views, value the papers of slow bloomers little liberally.
Ø Self-Learning Skills: Ask them to correct their notes by comparing it with the notes of high achievers, or by reading the contents from text books. While giving corrected answer scripts ask to compare it with the best answer scripts in the class. Teachers can provide marking scheme also to compare and find out why the mark is reduced?
Ø Use of Audio visual aids
Ø Continuous interaction with parents
Ø Adjust your expectations
Ø Create a conducive learning environment
Ø Frame curriculum by yourself
Ø Enhance curiosity of learner
Ø Give concentration to develop basics in content.

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